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DEBATE WATCHING PARTY Obama vs. McCain - Round One


We're going to be looking for Barack's knock-out punch in the first televised debate, so bring your friends, wear your Obama gear and join us as we cheer him on to a first-round victory!



Friday, September 26, 2008

Arlington Banquets

1967 West Henderson Road in the Kroger shopping center

7:30 p.m. Meet and Greet

Complimentary Appetizers and Cash Bar

8:00 p.m. Brief Program

Topic: early voting, voter protection review, introduction of candidates

9:00 p.m. Televised Debate

Watch the debate on large, state-of-the-art monitors

Bring your yard sign, t-shirt, bumper sticker and button orders with you.

Our Obama store will be open and ready for business!


To help defray expenses, we're asking for a $5 per person donation at the door.


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