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Meet the FCDP Chairman Events

Take advantage of two upcoming opportunities to meet the new Franklin County Democratic Chairman, Greg Haas.

Join Chairman Haas for coffee and conversation.
Thursday, August 9, 2012
8:00 AM
Dempsey's Restaurant, 346 S. High Street, Columbus 43215


Join Special Guest Mayor Michael B. Coleman for a Cocktail Reception in Honor of Greg Haas, FCDP Party Chairman.

Thursday, August 16 16, 2012
5:00 to 7:30 PM
Boat House (Formerly the River Club at Confluence Park), 679 W. Spring Street, Columbus, OH 43215

Suggested Contributions:
$2500    Chairman’s Circle                               5:00 PM
$1000    Host Committee Circle                      5:30 PM
$500       General Sponsor Reception             6:00 PM
$100       General Friend Reception                 6:00 PM
RSVP to Evan Kleymeyer at or call 614-220-4500
Please make checks payable to:  Franklin County Democratic Party, P.O. Box 1776, Columbus, OH 43216


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