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How to Vote Early

It's easy to vote early! Save yourself time and hassle by casting your ballor before November 4th. Here's how!

Vote Early by Mailvote

When you vote by mail, you won’t ever have to wait in line. To vote by mail, send your application to the board of elections by noon on Saturday, Nov. 1. Here's how to request your ballot. Your voted ballot must be received by 7:30 p.m. on Election Day or by Nov. 14 if postmarked by Monday, Nov. 3. Return postage of your voted ballot is prepaid by the County, so it won’t even cost you a stamp!

Vote Early in Person

To vote with an absentee ballot for the November 4, 2008 General Election in person before Election Day, go to Franklin County Veterans Memorial located at 300 West Broad Street in downtown Columbus. (See map.)
Weekday Hours: Monday through Friday from 8 AM until 7 PM beginning September 30 and ending November 3.
Saturday Hours: From 8 AM until 5 PM on October 4, 11, 18, 25 and November 1.
Sunday Hours: From 1 PM until 5 PM on October 5, 12, 19, 26, and November 2.

Voters must bring identification to the polls in order to vote a regular ballot on Election Day. Acceptable forms of identification are: current and valid photo identification, military identification, or a copy of a current utility bill (including cell phone bill), bank statement, or paycheck that shows the voter’s name and current address.

For more information, visit the Franklin County Board of Elections website.

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