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Urgent News: Poll Workers Are Needed for Upper Arlington, Grandview, Clintonville and Worthington for the March 6th Primary Election!

Please contact Pelectionsenny M. at 525-2476, or e-mail her directly at Please include your full name, address and phone number when sending an email. For more information, visit the Board's Election FAQ page.

Memorial Day Parade, Grandview Heights

Grandview Memorial Day Parade down West First Avenue
Saturday, May 29 - 9 am
Cambridge and 3rd in Grandview (map)
Parade route is west on 1st to Oxley

Support Ted Celeste and Mary Jo Kilroy.

Wear your Ted Celeste T-Shirt and join us in standing up for Ted's positive campaign for the 24th District.

Walk with Mary Jo Kilroy in support of her vote in favor of healthcare reform and her reelection to the 15th Congressional District.

Celeste RSVP. Need a Celeste T-Shirt? Contact

To march with the Kilroy campaign, bring your Kilroy t-shirt. Kilroy RSVP Katie DeCarlo, or 258-4167.

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