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Jennifer Brunner

2020 UAPA Accomplishments

UAPA, with the help of our members and friends, provided a tremendous amount of support to our efforts to turn Franklin County and Ohio blue. Unfortunately, all our efforts didn't result in Ohio voting the way we would have wished, with the exception of Jennifer Brunner's victory in the Supreme Court race. In Franklin County, we had much better results with Gary Tyack becoming the new Franklin County Prosecutor and 10 of 10 judges winning their races.

A Brand New Candidate Match!

August Candidate Match Challenge!

Do you want to help our excellent candidates, Joel Newby in Congressional District 15, Allison Russo in Ohio House District 24, Crystal Lett in State Senate District 16, and Supreme Court Justice candidate, Judge Jennifer Brunner?

For the month of August, UAPA will match the first $1,000 donated to each of these candidates. Donate any amount and it will be doubled. Use the ActBlue secure donation sites below for:

Voting Rights Forum with Jennifer Brunner

You are invited to a voting rights forum and lobby day with keynote speaker Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner!

Sign up today to attend!

Hear from election reform experts on what changes should be made to Ohio's Electoral System. Discussion topics include: voting systems, disability access, voter ID laws, deceptive practices, and public agency registration.

Jennifer Brunner will speak about the progress being made by her office, and what work lies ahead.

You will also receive a thorough lobbying training that will prepare you to discuss voting rights with your local state legislator. Legislators will attend during the afternoon, and will be available to meet with you.

You will be part of a long term strategy to bring electoral reform to Ohio by:

  • Making Ohio's no-excuse absentee voting law permanent
  • Fixing how we purge voters from the state wide voter file
  • Getting public agencies to comply with current laws to register new voters
  • Fixing provisional voting rules
  • Passing a "Deceptive Practices" bill will that criminalizes activity that intentionally misleads voters about the date, time and place of voting

Click here to sign up!

Early voting at Vets Memorial - 2008

Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner expects 80% voter turnout in Ohio on Election Day. UAPA encourages you to avoid the long lines at your poling place and vote early. By voting early, you will free yourself up to help with the get-out-the-vote effort that will be the key to victory on November 4. Mark your calendar and tell your friends and family to vote early, too!


Corporate Power Seminar

Corporate Power: The Legacy of Santa Clara

The legal precedent that led to the doctrine of corporate personhood.

Wednesday, April 20, noon

Saxbe Auditorium, Ohio State Moritz College of Law, 55 W. 12th Avenue, Columbus

Free and open to the public

Speakers and topics include:

- Corporate power and elections: Jennifer Brunner, attorney at Brunner Quinn and former Ohio Secretary of State;

- Santa Clara and the 14th Amendment: john a. powell, Williams Chair in Civil Rights & Civil Liberties at the Moritz College of Law and executive director of the Kirwan Institute for the Study of Race and Ethnicity at Ohio State;

- Corporate power and taxation: Wendy Patton, senior associate, Policy Matters Ohio; and

- Corporate power and privatization: Stephen Menendian, attorney/senior legal research associate, Kirwan Institute for the Study of Race and Ethnicity.

Sponsor: Kirwan Institute for the Study of Race and Ethnicity, The Ohio State University

Brunner answers questions

Q&A from UA Progressive Action Event

Ohio Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner spoke to a crowd of interested and informed voters April 30, 2009, at the Plumbers and Pipefitters Hall in Columbus.

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