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SB5 petition drive training April 26!

Come and get 'em! Petitions to get SB5 repealed!

Tuesday, April 26

7 p.m.

Upper Arlington Public Library, Main Library, Meeting Room B (downstairs)

2800 Tremont Road, Upper Arlington, OH 43221 (Map)

Collect signatures to put the repeal of SB5 on the November ballot!

One teacher's story

Wisconsin teacher reveals why she is protecting her union

From the Capital Times, Madison, Wisconsin
This is the voice of one Madison teacher whose soul-searching lead her to the Capitol to protest the budget repair bill.

Defunding the Democratic Party

Wow! Rachel does the research on what's really going on in Wisconsin -- and Ohio. As she puts it "millions for Repubs" vs. "bakesales for Dems".

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