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Issue 2

Story Archive - 2011

2011 events and elections, including the petition drives against SB 5 (worker's rights), HB 194 (voter suppression laws) and issues surrounding redistricting (HB 319).

Vote NO on Issues 1, 2 & 3

Why You Should Vote No on Issue 1

Absentee Voting Rules Have Changed

You will NOT automatically be sent an application to get your absentee ballot.  You must request the application.

CALL  614-525-3100


Complete an application ONLINE or MAIL to the Franklin County Board of Elections. 

Rally to Repeal SB5 a Success

More than 100 rally to repeal SB5

There were dozens of Democrats and other folks interested in ending John Kasich's threat to the middle class at the Rally for Repeal May 15 at Upper Arlington High School.

There was brisk business at the table where petitions were available for voters to sign. And all three Columbus television stations interviewed Gov. Strickland, who defended teachers, firefighters, police officers, nurses and other public employees against the attack of extremists.

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