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Annual Membership Dues

Since 2004 Upper Arlington Progressive Action (UAPA) has helped elect progressive candidates for all levels of government. Our activities include:

  • Educational programs
  • Debate watch parties
  • Website, social media and newsletter communications
  • Notifying volunteers of opportunities to work with campaigns and on issues
  • Yard signs and bumper stickers that enable progressives to “take a stand”.

All of this requires effort and money and the UAPA Executive Committee has decided to request annual dues of $25 beginning in May, 2016. Your support will ensure that we can continue the important progressive work that we have been doing for the last 12 years.

Paypal is not available at the moment. You can write a check. Enter the number of memberships and add the dollar amount of any additional donations you would like to make. Thanks!


New Member

A membership in UAPA comes with the good feeling that you are supporting progressives and progressive causes. In addition to our newsletter and social media, educational programs and other events, you also get one of our lovely round bumperstickers!

Great deal, right?

Indicate the number of memberships you want below.

$ 25.00

If you would like to donate more than the basic member dues, enter your donation here.
Payment Options
[x] I will send payment by check
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