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2012 Redistricting Petition Drive

If you care about fair and balanced elections, you need to care about the citizen-initiated Redistricting Movement and support it with your time and money. The obscene gerrymandering that has gone on for far too many years has resulted in district geographies that defy sensible representation -- a situation that must stop now.

This is a not-to-be-missed opportunity for Ohioans to directly impact how we are represented for many years into the future.

Here are three actions you can take today:

1. Sign a petition.

We must collect over 360,000 petition signatures by July 3rd to have the constitutional amendment placed on the ballot this November.

Email us at and we will tell you where can find a convenient signature gathering location. 

2. Carry a petition.

If you want to collect signatures for the Redistricting Movement, send us an email at and we can set you up with a petition and show you how to effectively collect signatures.

3. Give money.

To win in November the redistricting campaign needs your financial support.  Thousands upon thousands of dollars will be needed to publicize this good government initiative. UAPA cares deeply about this issue -- so much so -- that we decided to set up a redistricting fund where we will match every donation you give to our fund with a dollar for dollar match from UAPA coffers--up to $2000.00: your $5.00 becomes $10.00. your $50 becomes $100.00. We will keep the fund open until June 1 when all proceeds will be sent to the larger campaign.   Be sure to check back often to see how our fund is growing.

The PETITION DRIVE was successful! After an initial submission on July 3, 2012, continued collections put this drive well over the top. Thanks to Carolyn Casper and the many UAPA members who carried petitions and stood out in the blazing sun to get the signatures we needed.


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