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Health Care

Use for the overall health care issue and the Affordable Care Act (ACA)

Special Guests for July Book Club Meeting

Phil Ennin, who was CEO at Community Hospitals and Wellness Centers at the time The Hospital was written, has agreed to join our discussion of the book. Without him, there would have been no book. He allowed the author to have almost complete access to the hospital's inner workings.

2020 Events Archive

Events of 2020, including the COVID-19 pandemic and the 2020 election between Donald Trump and Joe Biden.

Resistance Resources

Selected documents, Facebook groups, websites and more to help you #resist

May meeting features Get Covered America

UAPA will welcome Emily Fisher to talk about Get Covered America and Enroll America on May 26, 2015 at 7:00 pm in the Friends Theater, UA Library, 2800 Tremont Rd.

Enroll America's mission is to get people signed up for health care through the Affordable Care Act or enrolled in Medicaid. Emily Fisher joined the local effort to sign up people during the open enrollment period that started in late 2014 and concluded on February 15.  Folks eligible for Medicaid can enroll anytime.

Support the Roll-Out of the ACA (aka 'Obamacare')

ProgressOhio is promoting some activities to support the 'Obamacare' roll-out that begins on October 1, 2013, the first day that individuals can sign up and enroll for health insurance through the health care exchanges.

Call for Health Care Stories

The Affordable Care Act (aka "Obamacare") is still being rolled out. As more people gain access to health insurance and health care improves, UAPA would like to gather stories about how you or your family have benefited.

Have you been able to get insurance when you previously were unable because of a preexisting condition? Were you able to keep your 23- or 24-year-old son or daughter on your policy?

‘Mercy Killers’: Living Without Health Insurance

Mercy Killers logoOur American system of health care is put under a dramatic spotlight in a new play having a three-week run in Columbus.

Letter to the Editor - The Sky is Falling!

Columbus Dispatch,

July 6, 2012

Letter to the Editor - Supreme Court Affirms 'Obamacare'

Columbus Dispatch,

July 4, 2012

Over the past few days, since the recent Supreme Court decision affirming ObamaCare, several letters have appeared in the Dispatch questioning not only the Court’s decision but also conservative Chief Justice John Roberts’ courageous deciding vote to uphold the law’s constitutionality.

The most prominent criticisms were in the lead editorial in Sunday’s paper.

Letter to the Editor - A Better Level of Care

Columbus Dispatch,

July 4, 2012

In Stewart Aron’s letter, (Monday, July 1), he laments that those of us in our 70’s and 80’s will have a diminished life expectancy because with the rationed care in ObamaCare we cannot expect the same level of care we now have.

Please, Stew, change the channel.  Fox News lies.

It’s the insurance company bureaucrats that ration care not the government.  That’s one of the main reasons ObamaCare was needed.


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