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Calling all women

Ohio Women voted 54% for Al Gore in 2000 but only 50% for John Kerry in 2004. That was the difference in the election.


The Ohio Democratic Party is undertaking a targeted postcard initiative to reach at least 118,000 persuadable women voters who are soft-Republican and Independent voters likely to have children. It's up to us to talk to these women about why we are voting for Barack Obama and Joe Biden and the rest of the Democratic ticket this year.

Women are ready for a conversation about the issues that affect their everyday lives, and they need to know the truth about McCain and Palin and their failed, out-of-touch policies and ideas!

If you'd like to host a postcard party or simply participate, e-mail as soon as possible. All you have to do is provide a location and friends who don't get writers cramp. Liz will supply the postcards, the addresses, talking points and other tools to pull off a successful party.

It's simple!



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