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Voting Rights

Petition and Food Drive on January 15th

MLK Day of Service

Donations for the Clintonville-Beechwold Community Resource Center.

On Monday, January 15th, drive-through and drop-off your donations

11:00 am – 2:00 pm

UA Public Library parking lot, 2800 Tremont Rd.


See the request list. ===>

2024 Event Archive

Events in 2024.


Join UAPA for the ReSisters presentation of the 2022 Courage of Conviction Awards

When times get tough one can lose sight of the patriotism revealed in the day-to-day work accomplished by leaders and activists. The people who win some battles but lose too many and yet get up and work even harder the next day: thus, the genesis of the ReSisters of Central Ohio Courage of Conviction Awards.

Get Your FREE Fair Districts Yard Sign Delivered

It's Time for Fair Districts Yard SignThe Ohio Redistricting Commission and Ohio Legislators are scheduled to begin drawing the state and Congressional districts we will use for the next 10 years. They will be using the rules enacted into the Ohio Constitution by wide margins when we voted in 2015 and 2018.

Finally Killing the Gerrymander? How Ohio’s New Redistricting Rules Work

In 2015 and 2018, more than 70% of Ohioans amended Ohio’s Constitution to reform the rules used to create state and Congressional districts. Next year, after the Census, we will finally implement these rules to draw the districts which will be used for the next 10 years! Join UAPA for a presentation on how the new rules will work and what we need to do to ensure that districts are fairly drawn.


Professor Richard Gunther, who was involved in the negotiations that led to the Ohio reforms

Postcard Party for Voter Re-registration

Hand writing postcardsRemind recently moved Democrats to register to vote at their new address with a friendly postcard. We are meeting at the Lane Road Branch of the UA Public Library (1945 Lane Rd., basement meeting room) on August 29, 2019 from 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm.

Volunteer to Protect the Vote!

Are you interested in making sure all eligible voters can cast their ballot and have it counted?  If so, consider coming on Thursday, September 27th to the Friends Theater (2800 Tremont Rd) from 6:30 - 8:30 pm to find out more.

Campaign for Ohio Kickoff on July 8th

Join Organizing 4UA and Sarah Grace Spurgin of the Campaign for Ohio for an organizational meeting in the Friends Theater at the main Upper Arlington Public Library on Tremont Rd. on July 8th.

Primary Election Day Is HERE! Vote on May 8th!

Every  Vote Counts buttonPrimary day is Tuesday, May 8th.

Make your voice heard! Issue 1 sign

Issue 1 Yard Signs are GONE.

Thanks to all for your orders for Issue 1 yard signs. We are no longer distributing them through UAPA, but you still may be able to snag one from the Fair Districts/Common Cause office (35 E Gay St., Rm 404).

And thanks for supporting Issue 1! Make sure you get everyone you know to the polls on May 8th to ensure its passage.


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