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Upper Arlington

Events, history and issues specific to the Columbus suburb of Upper Arlington.

2025 Membership Drive

UAPA began in 2004 and continues to help elect progressive candidates to all levels of government.  We do this by organizing educational programs, debate watch parties, our website and newsletter, as well as by notifying volunteers of opportunities to help campaigns, making contributions, and offering yard signs and bumper stickers that enable progressives to “take a stand”. 

Celebrate UAPA's 20th Anniversary!

Twenty years ago this June, a small group of Upper Arlington women sat down and decided to express their support for John Kerry by founding UA for Kerry. They were unsure if there were many other Democrats or progressives in UA. To their surprise and delight, there were!

Issue 1, Issue 2 WIN! See the UA Details!

2023 Upper Arlington Results


Issue 1 in UA (Reproductive Rights Amendment)

UA Wards

Yes vote

Yes %

No vote

No %

Story Archive - 2023

The year was exhausting: from March to June, Protect Choice Ohio petition collection to enshrine reproductive rights in the Ohio Constitution; from July to August 8th, fight off Issue 1 which was designed to make it impossible to pass citizen-led Constitutional amendments (No on Issue 1 on August 8th); followed by the effort to pass reproductive rights (Yes on Issue 1 on November 7th) while also endorsing for UA school board and city council candidates. Signs, postcards, canvassing, oh my!

UAPA Endorses Jenny McKenna, Sumia Mohamed, and Liz George Stump for School Board

The Executive Committee of Upper Arlington Progressive Action is endorsing Jenny McKenna for reelection and Liz George Stump and Sumia Mohamed for election to the Upper Arlington School Board.

Our process for endorsement was as follows:

UAPA Endorses John Kulewicz, Heidi Munc, and Andrej Rotter for City Council Election

The Executive Committee of Upper Arlington Progressive Action has voted to endorse John Kulewicz for reelection and Heidi Munc and Andrej Rotter for election to Upper Arlington City Council.

Our process for endorsement was as follows:

UAPA Endorses Two for UA School Board

The Upper Arlington Progressive Action (UAPA) Board recently voted to endorse two candidates for the two seats available on the UA School Board. The selections were made based on responses to a set of ten questions (below) sent to all candidates. Neither Lou Sauter nor Liz Easton responded to our questions.


We recommend Nidhi Satiani be elected and Carol Mohr be reelected.


UAPA Community Picnic on September 12 *UPDATED*

Summer Community Picnic


When:      Sunday, September 12, 2021 

Upper Arlington Featured in AP Article

Did you see the July 18, 2020 Associated Press article by

Central Committee Candidates - 2020

The 2020 Primary on March 17th is also  an election for the representatives of the 6 Wards in Upper Arlington to the Ohio Democratic Party Central Committee. Some are contested and some are not. Some are endorsed by the Franklin County Democratic Party (FCDP), some are not. UAPA requested all candidates to submit a brief statement if they wished so you can become familiar with people who help guide our local Democratic Party. Providing this information to you does not constitute an endorsement by UAPA.


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