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UA City Council

Issue 1, Issue 2 WIN! See the UA Details!

2023 Upper Arlington Results


Issue 1 in UA (Reproductive Rights Amendment)

UA Wards

Yes vote

Yes %

No vote

No %

UAPA Endorses John Kulewicz, Heidi Munc, and Andrej Rotter for City Council Election

The Executive Committee of Upper Arlington Progressive Action has voted to endorse John Kulewicz for reelection and Heidi Munc and Andrej Rotter for election to Upper Arlington City Council.

Our process for endorsement was as follows:

Letter to the Editor - Dirty Politics Has No Place in Upper Arlington

During the 2017 City Council election, postcards with gutter level attacks on several candidates were sent to nearly everyone in UA. The funders of the PAC that sent them were unknown until after the election, but the treasurer of record was Angela Lanctot who is currently running for Council. We are publishing the following in the hope that last minute sleazy attacks on candidates will not reappear this year.

Here We Go ... Again!

During the 2016 Presidential Campaign literally hundreds of UA for Hillary and Clinton/Kaine signs were stolen and/or destroyed. UAPA replaced the sign at one home five times.

Does Three Always Equal Three? - Voting Strategically

As you know, there are five candidates running for three positions on the Upper Arlington City Council.

The ballot says to vote for no more than three. However, you are not required to vote for three. In fact, if you feel strongly about one or two of the candidates, it will increase their chances of being elected if you vote only for them. A vote for your third choice, a candidate you may be only lukewarm about, counts just as much as your vote for your first choice.

The same holds true for the UA School Board where four candidates are running for three positions.

Funders of "Attack" Postcards in UA City Council Election Revealed


Does Four Equal Four?

As you know, there are eight candidates running for four positions on the Upper Arlington City Council.

The ballot says to vote for no more than four. However, you are not required to vote for four. In fact, if you feel strongly about one or two of the candidates, it will increase their chances of being elected if you vote only for them. A vote for your fourth choice, a candidate you may be only lukewarm about, counts just as much as your vote for your first choice.

So remember to vote, but vote only for those you want to represent you on Council.

UAPA Position on Recall Election

To:  Upper Arlington Progressive Action Supporters

From:  Upper Arlington Progressive Action Executive Committee

Historically, Upper Arlington Progressive Action (UAPA) has not taken positions on local issues, and, instead, has focused its attention and advocacy on state and federal issues and candidates.

Story Archive - 2015

Stories that took place during 2015, including UA Council races (Carolyn Casper won a seat!) and redistricting reform for state legislators (Issue 1 passed) and an abortive attempt to pass marijuana legalization (Issue 3).


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