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Climate Change

Information about global warming, changes in climate, and related weather, climate and environmental phenomena.

Help bring Josh Fox's new movie "How to let go of the World, and Love all the things Climate Can't Change" to Columbus!

Carolyn Harding (Central Ohio Climate Action Coalition) has been working with Josh Fox's (Gasland I & II) team to bring his most recent film, "How to let go of the World, and Love all the things Climate Can't Change", to Columbus, on a 100 city tour.

Please watch the film trailer, and if you and/or your group, can and want to support this important film on climate change, and help bring it to Columbus, please consider making a contribution.

Letter to the Editor: Wind, Solar Supplement Fossil Fuels

Letter to the Editor
Columbus Dispatch
April 4, 2014

In his Saturday letter “Energy mandates should be reviewed,” Sam Randazzo of Industrial Energy Users-Ohio made a lot of
claims about how bad the energy-efficiency targets are that the Ohio legislature enacted in 2008. Most of his claims were

We must do something to decrease our oil and gas usage. Yes, there is a boom now, but how long will that last and what is the

Letter to the Editor - Insurers Worry About Climate Change

Letter to the Editor

Columbus Dispatch

July 16, 2013

If the front page of today’s Dispatch doesn’t convince everyone that Climate Change is real, I don’t know what will.

In your story titled “Deductibles added for wind, hale [sic] damage” you explain why home insurance companies are beginning to charge Ohio homeowners more for damage caused by wind and hail.  But there are no increased charges for fire or theft claims.

Organizing for Action Climate Change Action Meeting July 13, 2013

Ready to get started on climate change action? This Saturday, July 13, from 10:30A.M.  -11:30A.M.

Climate Change Discussion at Fawcett Center

Thursday, Oct. 4 Climate Change Discussion at Fawcett Center 7 p.m.

With support from the Battelle Endowment for Technology and Human Affairs, the Byrd Polar Research Center is offering the final in a series of evening forums to engage the public with discussions about the implications of climate change.

Cool UA Town Meeting


Concerned about climate change? Want to make UA safe and healthy and save taxpayer money?

Join us for a town meeting!

Learn how UA can become a leader on energy issues and join more than 600 other U.S. cities that have pledged to become Cool Cities!

You'€™ll receive information on what other cities like UA are doing to address the climate crisis, learn how we can save money and conserve energy, and hear from elected officials and experts on climate change!

Wednesday, August 15th, 7 pm
Upper Arlington Municipal Services Center
3600 Tremont Road


Stepping out: Thompson voices his opinion on global warming options

Lonnie Thompson's latest research paper is a first for him. For the first time he offers his opinion on mankind's three options for global climate change: mitigation, adaption or suffering. From a [December 2010] Op-Ed written by the editors of the Columbus Dispatch:

OSU's Dr. Lonnie Thompson to speak on climate change

Lonnie Thompson, OSU Distinguished Professor of Geological Sciences and Research Scientist in the Byrd Polar Research Center will be the featured speaker of the Columbus Natural History Society monthly meeting on Monday, December 6, 7:45 p.m. at the OSU Museum of Biological Diversity, 1315 Kinnear Road on campus. Professor Thompson will present "Climate Change: The Evidence and Our Options".

Includes 17-minute video showing a research team actually drilling an ice core.

Rolling Stone magazine says that there is no person in the world that has spent more time above 18,000 feet than Lonnie Thompson.

Also featured, two short documentaries: Core Catchers filmed by Ryan Vachon on a 2009 Cordillera Blanca, Peru expedition and a recent May/June 2010 ice core drilling in New Guinea. Don't miss this opportunity to meet Professor Thompson, and learn about his world renowned work.

Stivers advocates repeal of the 17th Amendment

From the Department of Colossally Stupid Ideas comes the Tea Party's quest to repeal the 17th Amendment, which provides for direct popular election of U.S. senators. And it has support from Republican candidate for the Ohio's 15th Congressional District, Steve Stivers.

Climate Change -- Those hacked e-mails

This is an excellent response to the furious and unfounded assertions of the right-wing denialists that have followed from the release of private email by climate change scientists.


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