2025 Membership Drive

UAPA began in 2004 and continues to help elect progressive candidates to all levels of government.  We do this by organizing educational programs, debate watch parties, our website and newsletter, as well as by notifying volunteers of opportunities to help campaigns, making contributions, and offering yard signs and bumper stickers that enable progressives to “take a stand”. 

Wishing Everyone a Happy Holiday Season!

Happy Holidays with snow-covered hills and trees on a blue background


Election Retrospective

While we are still reeling from the results of the general election many of us are reflecting on why we did not capture so many of our state races and Issue 1. While we understood that Ohio voters would likely lean, once again, to the Republican presidential candidate, we still felt hopeful that our hard-working senator, Sherrod Brown would still prevail and that the sensible Issue 1 redistricting proposal would gain a majority of voters. Unfortunately, that didn’t happen for a variety of reasons.  

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