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Don't live in UA but want an Obama sign? We've got you covered!

If you live in neighboring communities (or anywhere in Ohio, for that matter) we have yard signs that you'll love!

Announcing our Ohio for Obama signs! These weatherproof signs will take you through the election and beyond. Display your pride with your new Ohio for Obama sign, and announce to the world that you support Barack Obama and his platform of change we all can believe in!

These durable signs are a steal at only $7 each. If you live in the metro Columbus area, we encourage you to send us an e-mail and someone will be in touch to make arrangements about getting you your sign. However, if you live out of Columbus we can send you only the plastic sleeve -- we cannot mail the wire frame since it can't be folded. All you have to do is find or make a wire frame (a standard size that measures 26 inches wide by no less than 18 inches high) and you can easily slide the plastic sleeve over it.

Pick-Up in Person

You can pick up your Ohio for Obama sign from one of our Obama Gear volunteers. Just send us an e-mail at and one of our volunteers will contact you to make arrangements for you to pick-up your sign. Please note that we accept only cash or checks.

Additionally, Ohio for Obama signs will be available at the Obama Acceptence Speech Party (sponsored by the Worthington Area Democratic Club) this Thursday, August 28, at the Hilton Hotel ballroom, just south of I-270 on High Street in Worthington. Signs will also be available at our booth nearby the UA Labor Day Arts Festival. Check back with the website in a few days to get more details about our location!

Through the Mail

You can order and pay for your Ohio for Obama signs (remember, only the sleeve can be mailed) through snail mail for your ease and convenience. Simply send us a check for the number of signs ordered (@ $7 each), and your sign will be sent to you within seven days of your order; postage is included in the $7 price per sign.

Make checks payable to UAPA, and send with your full name, address and phone number to:


P.O. Box 21224

Upper Arlington, OH 43221

Be the first in your community to display your Ohio for Obama sign!


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