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Join the Family Fun and Come to the 4th Annual UAPA Picnic at Fancyburg Park!


Make plans now to attend UAPA's 4th annual family picnic on Sunday, June 22 from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Be prepared for an afternoon of live entertainment, popular picnic food (including vegetarian options), children's activities and good conversation!

Sign up for the picnic!

At the event, we'll be unveiling our new yard signs, T-shirts and bumper stickers supporting the Obama candidacy -- come for the party and stay for the debut! Also on tap:

• Best-selling political author David Sirota, currently on tour promoting his new book THE UPRISING, will stop by and speak about the rise of populist politicals (as evidenced by grassroots organizations like ours) as well as answer questions and sign copies of his book. (See related story.)

• You'll also have the chance to meet and greet many of the local candidates for office, obtain yard signs and other promotional items and sign up for a variety of volunteer opportunities!

• As part of our commitment to give back to our community, UAPA is sponsoring a food drive to benefit the Mid-Ohio Food Bank. Please be sure to bring along a sack of food for the hungry, or a check (any amount accepted) made payable to the Mid-Ohio Food Bank. (See related story.)

• Activities for the kids includes a visit by magician and storyteller ABC Mother McGoose from 2:00 - 3:30 p.m., face painting, arts and crafts, corn hole toss and softball.
• Back for an encore visit is the Jim and Charley Band, playing many of your favorite oldies and contemporary hits!
Sign up for the picnic!
In addition to signing up to attend, please drop us a line at if you are able to volunteer an hour for picnic tasks: set up, food, sign in, children's games, etc. Please write picnic volunteer in the subject line and include your name and phone number in the body of the e-mail.

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