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Chamber members support mixed use and public funds for Kingsdale

The results from the UA Chamber of Commerce's Kingsdale survey #1 are in:

"... 2 stark results from previous survey include: 88.3% support making Kingsdale a mixed use development, 83.3% support the use of public funds for developing Kingsdale into a focal point for the community"

From the results, it's clear that Chamber members understand the importance of mixed use redevelopment and leveraging the Kingsdale's central location in UA to create a town center. They are also in favor of a public/private partnership.

Here's the Chamber's most recent letter to their membership. It has some excellent facts and observations about Regency's Kingsdale proposal:

Dear Members:

Thank you to those of you who responded to our last survey re: development at Kingsdale. Now that a development plan has been submitted from Regency, the chamber would like our members’ opinions on this plan. Here is link: [line removed for security reasons]. Responses are requested by noon Wednesday, November 7, 2007.

Sixty two members out of 477 completed the previous survey; 2 stark results from previous survey include: 88.3% support making Kingsdale a mixed use development, 83.3% support the use of public funds for developing Kingsdale into a focal point for the community

Since only 5.5% of land in Upper Arlington is designated for commercial use, which equals to .5 square miles, we feel Kingsdale is a very important opportunity for redevelopment.
Please review the attached site plan or click on link -

Quick facts of site plan:

  • 100% retail development
  • Adds 19,700 square feet to total 268,473
    • A proposed big box would be 132,000 sq. ft
    • Giant Eagle to 77,400 sq. ft.
    • 59,073 for remaining businesses
  • 17 available retail storefronts (currently there are 18 operating)
  • Demolish all existing structures on Northwest Blvd.
    • MCL Cafeteria, The Framing Center, Alfred’s Barber Shop, Former Stein Mart Building, Former Union Building, Former Goodyear Building
  • All buildings to be one story
  • Rezoning of land to allow for big box retail, i.e. Best Buy, Wal-Mart, Target, Kohl's, Old Navy, Circuit City, etc.
  • Macy’s property is not considered in redevelopment (remains as is)

Thank you in advance for your quick response.

Brenda J. Schwandt
Upper Arlington Area Chamber of Commerce
Fax: 614.481.5711



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