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4th Annual UAPA Family Picnic in the Park with NY Times Best-selling Author, David Sirota


Make plans now to attend UAPA's 4th annual family picnic on Sunday, June 22 from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Be prepared for an afternoon of live entertainment, popular picnic food (including vegetarian options), children's activities and good conversation!

At the event, we'll be unveiling our new yard signs, T-shirts and bumper stickers supporting the Obama candidacy -- come for the party and stay for the debut!

Cover of "The Uprising"Also on tap:

• Best-selling political author David Sirota, currently on tour promoting his new book THE UPRISING, will stop by and speak.

• You'll also have the chance to meet and greet many of the local candidates for office.

• As part of our committment to give back to our community, UAPA is sponsoring a good drive to benefit the Mid-Ohio Food Bank.

• Activities for the kids includes a visit by magician and storyteller ABC Mother McGoose from 2:00 - 3:30 p.m., face painting, arts and crafts, corn hole toss and softball.

• Back for an encore visit is the Jim and Charley Band, playing many of your favorite oldies and contemporary hits!

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