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Traffic Alert: Parking information for President Obama’s visit on May 5

President Barack Obama will visit The Ohio State University campus on Saturday (5/5) where he will host a kick-off rally for his presidential campaign at the Jerome Schottenstein Center (Value City Arena). The event is free and open to the public. Tickets are not required, but RSVP’s are requested: .

Doors to the event will open approximately at 10:30 a.m. on Saturday. All attendees will go through airport-like security and should bring as few personal items as possible. No sharp objects, umbrellas, large bags, liquids, bottles, large electronics or signs will be allowed in the venue. Cameras and cell phones are permitted.

Free parking is available at the Schottenstein Center and also at other campus locations. Much of the parking is within reasonable walking distance from the venue, and due to limited space and traffic concerns, carpooling and walking, if possible, is strongly encouraged. Please see the May 5th event parking map for additional information.

A limited number of disability spaces will be available at the Schottenstein Center. In addition, disability and general public parking is available at the Buckeye lot. A free shuttle will be provided between the Buckeye parking lot (located off of Ackerman Road and SR 315) and the Jerome Schottenstein Center. This shuttle will be available from 6 a.m. until one hour after President Obama’s visit.

On Saturday, tune to 1650-AM, the university’s low-power radio station, for parking information for the event, as well as other large events on campus.

Other Events Impacting Traffic on May 5

Traffic will be affected by two other events on May 5th. The Capital City Columbus Half Marathon and State Science Day also will be occurring on campus. The marathon necessitates the closure of Olentangy River Road (south of the Schottenstein Center) and Lane Ave (east of the Schottenstein Center) between 8 and 10 a.m. Those coming to campus at this time are advised to use Woody Hayes Drive and Fyffe Road to access the Schottenstein Center.

Attendees to the State Science Day event will also impact parking around Ohio Stadium, French Field House and St. John Arena. Judges who arrive by 8 a.m. via eastbound Lane Avenue to St. John Arena, and students who arrive via eastbound Woody Hayes Drive to set up their projects by the mandatory time of 8:30 a.m. in French Field House, should not be unduly affected by the campaign visit. Judges or others leaving by noon may experience delays and could be redirected to leave campus by alternate routes.

Campus visitors should expect delays throughout the morning and should follow directions of police officers onsite who will facilitate traffic.

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