What are you going to do about it?!?
Get out your hammers and stake out your piece of political discourse with our signature UA for Obama yard signs from Upper Arlington Progressive Action!
Our wonderful “Sign People” may face challenges but they never give up. Sticky fingered political operatives of the conservative right may try to stop our public display of affection but we always prevail in supporting our President!
Remember in 2004 this homeowner’s valiant effort to express a civil political opinion?
Or when it took barbed wire to protect freedom of speech?
And consider this family, too impatient to wait for a replacement, constructed their own version. They ask, “Is this the UA way?” We say, “NO!”
Who knows what measures we may need to take to protect our signs this fall?!?
So this election, join fellow Upper Arlington progressive voters in showing the world – in a civil manner – how committed they are to the principles and policies of President Obama and Vice President Joe Biden. Sign up for your Obama/Biden yard sign safely and securely on our website via PayPal or credit card for only $5 per sign. One of our dedicated volunteers will plant the sign in yard within a few days for fast 'n easy support of our President!
Please note that sign delivery is limited to Upper Arlington, OH, or in communities that surround Upper Arlington such as Grandview, Hilliard, Worthington and Clintonville. Please no orders outside of this area in Central Ohio. We regret we are unable to mail signs and wire supports. Obama yard signs for areas outside of UA can be obtained from barackobama.com
Together we will turn UA blue!