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‘Mercy Killers’: Living Without Health Insurance

Mercy Killers logoOur American system of health care is put under a dramatic spotlight in a new play having a three-week run in Columbus.

Enjoy an evening of live theater while supporting homegrown talent by attending a performance of "Mercy Killers," an original play by actor/playwright Michael Milligan, at the Van Fleet Theater, Davis Discovery Center, 549 Franklin Ave., until March 9. Tickets are free, and can be reserved online (donations to help defray costs are encouraged). Ticket reservations.

Michael Milligan is a native of Westerville, a graduate of the Julliard School, and a professional actor now living and working in New York. He has performed on and off Broadway, and in major regional theaters across the country. He has been writing plays for a number of years. "Mercy Killers" is a one-man production that incorporates a subject close to his heart--the pitfalls faced by millions of Americans who live without health insurance.

He was the subject of  “Julliard grad returns home to launch own show” in the Westerville Public Opinion.

Michael is performing his play in cities across Ohio with the cooperation of the Single Payer Action Network (SPAN). Please spread the word, and consider attending a performance with a group of your friends.

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