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May meeting features Get Covered America

UAPA will welcome Emily Fisher to talk about Get Covered America and Enroll America on May 26, 2015 at 7:00 pm in the Friends Theater, UA Library, 2800 Tremont Rd.

Enroll America's mission is to get people signed up for health care through the Affordable Care Act or enrolled in Medicaid. Emily Fisher joined the local effort to sign up people during the open enrollment period that started in late 2014 and concluded on February 15.  Folks eligible for Medicaid can enroll anytime.

Enroll America is gearing up for the next Affordable Care open enrollment which comes this fall. Emily will discuss volunteer opportunities including, volunteer CAC's, office volunteers, tabling volunteers, phone callers, and interns. You'll have an opportunity to ask questions.

Come at 6:30 pm to meet and mix with other UAPA members. Bring a friend.


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