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Consolidated Biden/Harris Gear Orders

Biden/Harris gearSIGNS

For delivery in Central Ohio only.

We’re sorry, but we do not ship.

Within Central Ohio, we offer free replacements for destroyed or stolen signs.  Signs are made of heavy-duty, fade resistant coated cardboard stock with sturdy wire frames and have a union bug. Get your sign FREE with a new or renewed membership in Upper Arlington Progressive Action (UAPA).


Signs will be delivered to your yard if you live within these boundaries in Central Ohio: 

   •      South of Case Road

   •      West of 315

   •      East of 33

   •      North of Goodale Boulevard

If you live outside of these boundaries, you can pick your sign up at 2491 Lane Road in Upper Arlington on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays between 2:00 PM – 6:00 PM and Saturdays between of 10 AM – 4 PM or email  to make other arrangements.

BULK ORDERS:  Discounts offered for bulk orders of 10 signs or more.  If you would like to place a bulk order, please contact Cheryl.


T-shirts are made of pre-washed, 100% cotton, are union made and union printed. T-shirts are pick up ONLY; if you ordered a sign and a t-shirt, your sign will be held for pick up with your t-shirt.


Easy peel stickers.  We will mail these to you via USPS. If you are also ordering a T-shirt, you can pick up your bumper stickers at the same time. but if you ordered a bumper sticker + a t-shirt, your sign will be held for pick up with your other items.  TO CLARIFY:  If you just order a sign and a bumper sticker, your sign will be delivered to your home, and we will mail your bumper sticker(s).


NOTE: If your sign is stolen or destroyed (except bulk purchases), please email for a replacement.

There is a pdf order form if you would prefer to order by check.

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