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2020 UAPA Accomplishments

UAPA, with the help of our members and friends, provided a tremendous amount of support to our efforts to turn Franklin County and Ohio blue. Unfortunately, all our efforts didn't result in Ohio voting the way we would have wished, with the exception of Jennifer Brunner's victory in the Supreme Court race. In Franklin County, we had much better results with Gary Tyack becoming the new Franklin County Prosecutor and 10 of 10 judges winning their races. We also retained Allison Russo, Mary Lightbody and Beth Liston.  Thanks to everyone who bought a sign or t-shirt or bumper sticker

UAPA 2020 Campaign Accomplishments

On the evening of the election, UAPA sent a Thank You to the 2,700+ on our email list thanking them for their support during this election. For those who may be interested, here is a list of what was accomplished.


  • FCDP - Support for Early Voting,  and Sample Ballots  $15,000
  • ODP – PPE for Democratic Poll Observers   $10,000
  • Contribution Toward Biden Campaign Organizer  $5,000
  • Postcards – for Out for Biden Campaign  $ 750
  • Georgia Senate Runoff – Fair Fight (Stacey Abrams)  $1,000
  • Direct Support for Candidates    
    • Jennifer Brunner    $5,000
    • John O’Donnell    $1,000
    • Allison Russo    $2,000
    • Crystal Lett   $4,000
    • Joel Newby $2,000                       
    • Gary Tyack  $ 600
    • Support for Franklin County Judicial Slate   $5,000

 TOTAL      $51,350

Donated Signs:

The bulk of funds raised by UAPA were from the sale of various Biden for President yard signs. However, many signs were donated to support the overall campaign effort:

  • 21 Rural County Democratic Parties  1,950
  • Targeted Central City Neighborhoods 550
  • Ohio Democratic Party 800
  • Early Voting   1,200

VALUE of 4,500 signs at $2.00 (approx. cost) per sign  $9,000                       

Challenge Match Contributions:

At least $8,000 was contributed to campaigns by members during the August and September Challenge Match.


This is the most important number.  Since May, most of the over 300 UAPA memberships are NEW MEMBERS. Join here.


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