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UAPA Community Picnic on September 12 *UPDATED*

Summer Community Picnic


When:      Sunday, September 12, 2021 

Where:     Reed Road Shelter House,  3855 Reed Rd, 43220

Time:       12 noon until 2pm


  • Join Upper Arlington Progressive Action as we celebrate a new election season.  Meet candidates running for city council, school board, judgeships and other county and statewide offices.
  • Talk to representatives from the Ohio Democratic Party about plans for 2021 and beyond.
  • Hear teacher perspectives about proposed legislation limiting classroom discussions on diversity, climate, history, religion and other “divisive” topics.
  • Browse information booths from environmental organizations, candidates and other grassroots organizations.
  • Learn about ways to engage and organize.

We are ordering food from City Barbeque! Bring a side dish or other to enjoy.

Enjoy great food.  Bring your entire family!


Please RSVP by September 5th


We had a great event with nearly 100 attending, great food and chances to hear from a variety of UA candidates, including Allison Russo who is running for the District 15 Congressional seat.

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