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2nd Annual Courage of Conviction Award

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Join The ReSisters of Central Ohio for a reception honoring

Kathy Jackson and Rachel Coyle

Complimentary wine, beer, soft drinks and appetizers will be served.

The ReSister's of Central Ohio will be hosting the 2nd Annual Courage of Conviction Awards. This event will take place on Thursday, September 14th, at the Wyman Woods Shelter House in Grandview Heights (1520 Goodale Blvd.) from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm.

This year, our focus is on honoring two exceptional women who have made significant impacts in Central Ohio and throughout the state: Kathy Jackson and Rachel Coyle.

Kathy Jackson has been an instrumental force as the anchor of the Columbus chapter of I Support the Girls, a national organization dedicated to collecting and distributing essential items such as bras, underwear, and menstrual hygiene products to women in need. Through this important mission, thousands of women have regained their dignity and self-respect. Kathy's philanthropic endeavors extend beyond her work with I Support the Girls, as she actively engages in various charity initiatives within our community.

Rachel Coyle is an accomplished communication and organizing expert, having contributed her expertise to organizations such as Ohio Senate Democrats, the ACLU, and Innovation Ohio. Rachel has gained widespread recognition for her outstanding efforts in educating voters through her highly influential Facebook page, "How Things Work at the Ohio Statehouse."

The Courage of Conviction Award was inspired by the Bipartisan Policy Center's Patriot Award. BPC's Patriot Award "recognizes leaders who demonstrate political courage and exceptional leadership throughout their careers, even in the most partisan of times. The award honors Americans who, in placing the interests of the nation above all else, bring credibility and honor to government"

If you would like to contribute by check, please  make your check out to UAPA/Courage Award, and send to the following address or use the attached form:

UAPA/Courage Award
c/o Jim Fronk
2134 Oakmount Road
Upper Arlington, Ohio 43221




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