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Make a Statement with UAPA's YES on Issue 1 Yard Sign!

YES on Issue 1, Protect Reproductive Health WE ARE NOW SOLD OUT

For delivery in Upper Arlington and surrounding communities only.

We're sorry, but we do not ship.

Signs are 16" X 26" coated cardboard (recyclable) and are union made. Signs are $10.00 with replacement in case of theft or other loss.


Signs will be delivered to your yard only if you live within these boundaries in Central Ohio:

• South of West Case Road
• West of 315
• East of 33
• North of Goodale Boulevard

If you live outside of our delivery area, you can stop by

  • 2545 Northwest Blvd., 40221 from 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM on Monday OR
  • 5055 Francisco Place, 43220 from 12:00 noon to 3:00 PM on Saturday OR
  • 1858 Guilford Rd., 43221 from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM on Wednesday to pick up your sign(s).

Discounts available for orders of 10 or more signs. Email Cheryl Grossman or text 614-402-7830 for more information.

We also have a limited number of these signs which we are offering without replacement for $5.


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