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Join in UAPA's new Coffee and Conversation

January 29, 2011

You’re reading a blog or skimming a newspaper editorial when you see something interesting. You're bursting to talk it over with someone. But who could you trust to be civil and open-minded?

Members of the Upper Arlingtonjpg Progressive Action community, that’s who!

UAPA is offering you Coffee and Conversation, a new monthly opportunity to gather together to share your thoughts or to just listen to others’ ideas on topics like:



*Gun violence

*Recent political unrest in Egypt

*UA City Council race

Coffee and Conversation will meet the first Saturday of every month from 9:30-10:30 a.m. Join us as we form a new social network!

We promise lively conversation, plus a chance to air your concerns, questions and ideas with like-minded individuals. Some months there will be a "person of note" to share insights and lead a discussion of a timely topic.

The first Coffee and Conversation will be held on Saturday, February 5, in the back room of La Chatelaine, 1550 West Lane Avenue. No need to RSVP. As a courtesy to LaChatelaine, please plan to buy a drink or breakfast from their menu. We would like to start right at 9:30 a.m., so you might come a little early to make your purchase.

Start a free-wheeling “mind walk” with us that may take you down unexpected paths!

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