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2009 Election Special: Get out the vote!

October 22, 2009

We know the Upper Arlington City Council race is non-partisan. But we feel it's important to inform our UA Progressive Action supporters about progressive and moderate candidates so you can take that into account as you vote.

We want to ensure a moderate majority on City Council and a moderate mayor.

We're excited because a true blue progressive is running. Mike Schadek has been a life-long Democrat, and has the memorabilia to prove it. Ask him to show you his vintage bumper stickers! His web site has the full scoop.

We'll have more about Mike and other candidates as the election approaches.


The elephant in Democratic clothing

DINO (Democrat In Name Only): Life-long GOP supporter and UA City Council candidate Vern Morrison told a local 9/12 group that he switched parties in 2008 to vote for Hillary Clinton, while at the same time telling progressive and moderate voters he's a "Democrat".

We also feel it's important to point to a UA City Council candidate who claims to be a Democrat, but whose background and recent public statements belie that claim.

Vern Morrison is telling progressive voters he is a "registered Democrat." However, UAPA has learned from several sources that he is telling GOP faithful that he switched parties in 2008 to vote for Hillary Clinton in the Ohio primary. It is reported that Morrison revealed his "Limbaugh vote" at a local 9-12 Republicans' meeting on September 24th for folks who support Glenn Beck's right wing radical agenda. (Beck is with Fox News.)

Voting records confirm that Morrison has been a life-long GOP supporter.

You'll recall that during the Democratic primary Rush Limbaugh was encouraging Republicans to register as Democrats and vote for Hillary Clinton:

Why We Want to Keep Hillary Alive
March 3rd, 2008

RUSH: The strategy is to continue the chaos in this [Democratic] party. Look, there's a reason for this. Our side isn't going to do this. Obama needs to be bloodied up. Look, half the country already hates Hillary. That's good. But nobody hates Obama yet. Hillary is going to be the one to have to bloody him up politically because our side isn't going to do it. Mark my words. It's about winning, folks!

The important race for municipal judge

In the non-partisan campaign for Municipal Court Judge, we are lucky to have Mark Hummer. He's an Upper Arlington resident AND a progressive. And most importantly he has 18 years of experience as a magistrate in the Franklin County Municipal Court. His opponent has a familiar name -- Brown -- but not a moment of judicial experience.

He has the support of numerous Democratic and GOP organizations and folks. Not to mention an endorsement from the Columbus Dispatch, "Magistrate Hummer would bring nearly 20 years of experience to the bench" (Oct. 13).

Mark is campaigning really hard, but needs some help. He would appreciate having permission to put yard signs on Mountview between Fishinger and McCoy, and on Fishinger between Reed and Kenny. Help him find homeowners! Contact Laura Kuykendall,, to get signs.


Tonight: A chance to meet the candidates

Leadership UA is having a free evening with the City Council and Municipal Court candidates on Thursday, October 22, at the UA Municipal Center, 3600 Tremont Road. As a nonpartisan organization, Leadership UA hosts this evening to encourage and facilitate dialogue within our community.

  • At 6:30 p.m. candidates will meet the public in the lobby.
  • From 7-8:30 p.m. in the Council Chamber, they will present and debate their positions on significant local issues.


What we're hearing about Issue 2

This November, Issue 2 will be on the statewide ballot, and Ohio voters who care about animals need to know this is a dangerous and harmful amendment. With Issue 2, agribusiness interests are attempting to thwart Humane Society of the United States' and others efforts to stop the most inhumane and unacceptable confinement practices on factory farms in Ohio.

Issue 2 would set up the Ohio Livestock Care Standards Board, and write it into the Ohio Constitution. According to a statement sent to the Secretary of State office, this is supposed "to ensure livestock well-being, maintain our food safety, assure our locally grown and raised food supply and protect Ohio farms and families."

Food & Water Watch takes a different view, "While masquerading as an attempt to improve food safety and animal welfare, Issue 2 would give a board of political appointees unchecked power to decide any and all regulations related to animal agriculture."

The broad coalition of organizations opposing Issue 2 includes the Ohio Farmer's Union, the Ohio Environmental Stewardship Alliance, the Ohio Sierra Club, the Ohio League of Women Voters, and The Humane Society of the United States.

Most of the major papers in Ohio oppose Issue 2:

Columbus Dispatch: Wrong Approach–Editorial:
“Don’t use state constitution to set livestock-care rules or other detailed policies.” Read More

Cleveland Plain Dealer: Herding Ohio leaders toward animal treatment laws that big agriculture likes –Editorial

“The General Assembly’s rush to add a “livestock standards” amendment to the Ohio Constitution is as unseemly as it is questionable. Someone at the Statehouse needs to be an adult.” Read More

Akron Beacon Journal: Hurry to Harvest–Editorial

“Amending the Ohio Constitution is serious business, changes made by a statewide vote achieving a permanency no enjoyed by statutes or regulations.”Read More

Dayton Daily News: Animal lovers, farmers both wrong–Editorial

“…nobody should be for settling food fights in the constitution.” Read More

Your assignment: Get out the vote!

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