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GOTV continues in the 15th district and we need your help to elect Mary Jo Kilroy!!!!!

As you probably know, the fight for the 15th Congressional District is long from over. Here's the situation:


Candidate % of Votes Number Of Votes
Stivers, Steve (R) 45.61% 130,282
Kilroy, Mary Jo (D) 45.56% 130,136
Noble, Mark (L) 4.57% 13,044
Eckhart, Don (I) 4.26% 12,153
Casper, Travis (I) 0.00% 0


A margin of only 146 votes!

Mary Jo believes the votes she needs to win are in the yet-to-be-counted provisional ballots, which won't be tallied for 10 days:

  1. the military and overseas absentee ballots postmarked by the time the polls closed Tuesday and received by Nov. 14;
  2. any domestic absentee ballots postmarked by Monday that are received by Nov. 14;
  3. as well as any of the estimated 5,000 absentee ballots with errors that voters correct by Nov. 14.

In all, over 50,000 absentee and provisional ballots in Franklin County have yet to be counted.

Signup to help Mary Jo remind her voters to make sure their vote is counted.

Why does Mary Jo believe the provisional ballots will favor her? In the 2006 election, Kilroy trailed by 3,536 votes in unofficial totals announced the day after the election, but the gap narrowed to 1,062 when uncounted absentee and provisional ballots were factored in and a mandatory recount was completed a month after the election.

That's why we need your help! We need to reach Mary Jo's voters to remind them to make sure their vote is counted.

Signup to help Mary Jo remind her voters to make sure their vote is counted.

We have call shifts from Friday, November 7th to Friday November 14th:

  • Shift 1: Arrive 8:30 am Start 9:00 am Stop 12:00 pm
  • Shift 2: Arrive 12:30 am Start 1:00 pm Stop 4:00 pm
  • Shift 3: Arrive 4:30 pm Start 5:00 pm Stop 8:00 pm

The Kilroy campaign is located at 271 E. State Street. They ask that volunteers come in a half an hour early for a quick training.


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