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Have the "Audacity" to join our book club of "Hope"....TONIGHT!!

July 10, 2008 • Vol. 5, No.15 •

Join the UAPA Book Club!obama

Please join us tonight Thursday, July 10, at 7:00 p.m. for the UAPA Book Club. We're reading Barack Obama's The Audacity of Hope, and will be discussing the prologue and Chapters One through Three. Registered web site users can get audio of these chapters:

If you don't already have a userid and password, It's easy to register --- just click here and follow the instructions.

The book club meeting will be held at the home of Barb Falkenberg, 2501 Onandaga Road, Upper Arlington, 43221.

(Please RSVP so we know how much coffee to put on!)

Sign up for Audacity of Hope Book Club Meeting, 1st meeting



















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