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Here's Your Sign!

Sign me up to pick up my yard sign at Picnic in the Park this Sunday.

Blue Collar comic Bill Engvall may lay claim to the phrase, but we are serious.

We have your Obama sign! And tees and bumper stickers!

As Herbert Hoover so famously said, "A chicken in every pot and an Obama sign in every Upper Arlington yard." (Okay, he didn't say exactly that but we think he would have.)

Where can I obtain my sign, you say? At the UA Progressive Action Picnic in the Park, Sunday, June 22, from 2-5 p.m.

We have a provocative speaker (David Sirota) and lots of candidates to meet. And, oh yeah, your sign. (Suggested donation $5.)

Sign me up to pick up my yard sign at Picnic in the Park this Sunday.

Please RSVP on the UAPA Web site so we can cook enough pulled pork, Hebrew National hotdogs, and chips with veggie cheese and salsa.

To remember the people hit hard by energy and food costs, we are collecting for the Mid-Ohio Food Bank. Donations of non-perishable items are welcome. Please, no home canned food or glass jars. Checks are welcome, too!

See you at Fancyburg Park on Kioka Avenue between Swansea and Wickliffe roads. Here's a map to Fancyburg.

Who's coming to dinner? Kathleen Sebelius!

Join UAPA at the 2008 Ohio Democratic Family Reunion State Dinner, Saturday, June 21, at 5 p.m. in the Celeste Center, the Ohio State Fairgrounds. This year, we Ohio Democrats are rallying behind Senator Barack Obama and his message of change.

Kathleen Sebelius who is considered a possible pick for Vice President, is giving the keynote speech. Kathleen, a Cincinnati native, is governor of Kansas. She followed in the footsteps of her father, former Ohio Gov. John Gilligan, and is the first daughter to do so.

Tickets are $150, and you can sit with all your Upper Arlington progressive friends!

Also in attendance will be Gov. Ted Strickland, U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown, Lt. Governor Lee Fisher, Treasurer Rich Cordray, House Minority Leader Joyce Beatty, Senate Minority Leader Ray Miller, Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner, Columbus Mayor Michael Coleman and other Democratic leaders.

For tickets, email


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