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UAPA Sample Ballot

The UA City Council election is tomorrow, Tuesday, November 6th!

If you're not sure where to vote: Where Do I Vote?. Don't forget to bring your Ohio Drivers License or other form of ID to verify your address.

We need you! (And a friend)

Remember: In the last election only 72 votes -- 2 for each of Upper Arlington’s 36 precincts -- made the difference among City Council hopefuls. We need only two more progressive voters to go to the polls in each Upper Arlington precinct on Tuesday, Nov. 6, to make a difference!

If you vote for candidates Mary Ann Krauss and Ed Seidel, you can help make sure that we retain a moderate majority on City Council with a progressive vision for UA's future. This is the only we hope we have for ensuring that UA retains its prominence, high quality of life and economic strength.

Support Krauss and Seidel because they:

  • Believe in forging public-private partnerships to transform Kingsdale
  • Support services that allow UA to compete with neighboring suburbs
  • Value First Amendment rights, respect for the law and tolerance
  • Will explore environmental initiatives to make UA green

The UAPA Executive Committee recommends voting

check mark FOR ED SEIDEL


Voting for only these two candidates will maximize the impact of your vote.


So be sure to vote on Tuesday for Mary Ann Krauss and Ed Seidel. And please, take one more person with you to the polls. Or forward this email to your progressive neighbors and friends now and urge them to vote on November 6.

NO to Dan McCormick and NO to Leslie Heath
YES for All Three Democratic Judges: Patsy Thomas, Joy Harris, Joe Mas

Remember, only two votes can make the difference -- exercise your power to keep UA strong.
We hope that you will visit the UA Progressive Action Voter's Guide to read more about the City Council candidates.

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