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Local Journalists to Discuss Ohio Politics

As OHIO Goes, So Goes the NATION -- Or Not?


On Wednesday, April 9, hear from a panel of experts who have followed Ohio politics for several decades. These experts will discuss how Ohio became the "decider" in presidential races and how Ohio will impact the race in '08. Additionally, the panel will provide the historical background that has shaped Ohio's role in national politics.


Darrel Rowland, public affairs editor for the Columbus Dispatch; Bill Cohen, Statehouse reporter for WOSU-radio: Sandy Theis, former bureau chief of the Cleveland Plain Dealer: and Brian Rothenberg, founder of Progress Ohio will discuss these topics and more. You'll also have the opportunity to meet many candidates for the November election.


Join UAPA and area clubs on Wednesday, April 9, 2008 at 7:00 P.M. at the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW Local 683), 23 West 2nd Avenue. The union hall is in the short north area in the first block west of High Street. Ample parking is in the rear of the building.


This event is sponsored by the Coalition for Democratic and Progressive Organizations of Central Ohio of which UAPA is a founding member. All member groups will be introduced with an award to the group bringing the most members. RSVP to by April 2nd, if you plan to attend.


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