Cutting Planned Parenthood
Anti-abortion Republican Congress members are hurting women, in particular poor women, in the guise of saving money to balance the budget.
In a 240-185 vote Feb. 17, our representatives approved a provision to strip all federal funding from Planned Parenthood health centers.
This is truly an emergency for Planned Parenthood and women's health. Anti-choice leaders in the House forced a vote on $317 million for Title X (aid for family planning programs) that denies Planned Parenthood health centers every dime of $75 million in federal funding. Without that funding, many low-income people would lose access to their only source of basic health care.
Some pundits predict this effort will die in the Senate. But we have to make sure.
Call now and tell Ohio's Republican Sen. Rob Portman to vote NO. You can reach him at his Washington office, 202-224-3353, Columbus office, 614-469-6774, or by email.
What Planned Parenthood does
You may not realize the range of care that Planned Parenthood provides. The huge majority of clients turn to them for birth control (to actually avert the need for abortions), cancer screenings, HIV testing, and other lifesaving care. For many (including people that you know who have no or inadequate insurance coverage), Planned Parenthood clinics are the only source for these services.
The consequences of passing this bill are clear — and they would be devastating. More women would have unintended pregnancies. Cancer would develop, undiagnosed, in countless women. There is no doubt: cutting off millions of women from care they have no other way to afford places them at risk of sickness and death.
Speak out now — demand that Portman vote NO.
Read more: New York Times, "Planned Parenthood and its supporters are working to bolster defenses in the Senate. They hope that the Title X program - including a share for their group - will be restored as the two sides of Congress compromise on a spending bill. But supporters like Representative Diana DeGette, Democrat of Colorado and a leader of the abortion rights caucus, fear that protection of family planning could 'get lost in the larger issue of the budget.'"