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ESPN and HBO cover the South-Western school levy drama

Even with support for Jim Tressel and other high profile supporters, South-Western's school levy failed for a third time in August of this year, leaving the district with no extracurricular activites or coaches, including their marching band and sports.

For the fourth levy try OSU's Gordon Gee and Columbus Mayor Michael Coleman endorsed the November levy, and national media started covering the story:

Since then the November levy narrowly passed and now ESPN has produced an excellent expose on Columbus' South-Western School District levy.

High school students in the South-Western City School District, part of which is in Columbus, Ohio, lost the chance to play team sports and participate in other extracurricular activities when voters defeated a levy in August. On Nov. 3, though, voters approved another levy to fund district activities, including sports. Julie Foudy traveled to Grove City High School to follow students through this controversial election.


Ohio's school funding structure is unconstitutional. The Ohio Supreme Court has made that clear time and again. So why does Ohio's legislature continue to not fix it? And why do we as a society have such a negative view of how school's operate, how much teachers and administrators are paid? Why do we not see that everything begins with how well our school's are doing? Why don't we understand that communities that are economically well-developed and strong are the ones that have excellent school districts (Home sales and property values could be affected in South-Western School District)?

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