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Organizing for America Listening Tour in Columbus April 27

Itching to get re-involved? Anxious to see some local response to the Republican campaign of NO? Wandering how to reconnect with the folks you worked with during the campaign? Have something to say about what direction the grassroots should take over the next four years? Looking to be involved in a grassroots movement to CHANGE the country?

Organizing for America has hired staff and will be in Columbus on APRIL 27th to listen to your thoughts and ideas. They have compiled the email comments and ideas contributed on-line. Now, they are ready to talk person to person.

Ohio remains a key state in this effort. "As Ohio goes, so goes the nation." When we succeed, we can be key leaders in a nationwide grassroots effort for CHANGE in America.

Join us to hear what is happening in Ohio and to express your views on the direction this movement should take.
Sign up today. Contact your friends and encourage them to sign up as well! This is your opportunity to be heard.

Monday, April 27 from 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Host: Judy Kress
Plumbers and Pipefitters Union Hall (Columbus, OH)
1250 Kinnear Road

RSVP here.

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