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Political History

Background and history of political activity in Ohio and the nation.

How to Vote Early

It's easy to vote early! Save yourself time and hassle by casting your ballor before November 4th. Here's how!

Vote Early by Mailvote

The Daily Show: Are you a "Real American"?

Once again, Jon Stewart connects the dots, where the mainstream media misses it.

This time about the Republican's campaign claiming they are the party of the "Real Americans". The Jason Jones interview with the Wasilla mayor nails it:

Here's the latest in a string of comments from Republicans that question Democrats' patriotism.

Obamanomics and closing the income gap

Obama walks the talk on health care

Another reason to be proud of Barack Obama. Here's an editorial from the Zanesville Recorder:

Obama covers health care

Recently Sara Eckhouse, the Obama field organizer in Zanesville, fell and had to be taken to the emergency room. Accidents happen, of course, but I was surprised when I took Sara to the emergency room. Sara had complete medical coverage from the Obama campaign.

Top Ten Messages Left on Sarah Palin's Answering Machine

From The Late Show with David Letterman, October 3, 2008.

News Briefs - On Housing

Obama Expected to Better Address Housing Market Issues than McCain, According to Survey

Housing/Mortgage/Foreclosure Among Top 3 Issues New President Should Be Prepared to Address

Palin On Russia

All you can say is: unbelievable. Except she is the vice-presidential candidate of a national political party. Palin tries to defend the foreign policy “experience” she gleaned from being Governor of a state that’s close to Russia.


Dumbing down the VP debate

Palin hiding from the press: Day 24

The Washington Post notes the historically unprecedented attempt by a vice-presidential nominee to hide from press accountability:

Mr. McCain's selection of an inexperienced and relatively unknown figure was unsettling, and the campaign's decision to keep her sequestered from serious interchanges with reporters and voters serves only to deepen the unease. Mr. McCain is entitled to choose the person he thinks would be best for the job. He is not entitled to keep the public from being able to make an informed assessment of that judgment. Ms. Palin's speech-making skills are impressive, but the more she repeats the same stump speech lines, the queasier we get. Nor have her answers to the gentle questioning she has encountered provided any confidence that Ms. Palin has a grasp of the issues.

There are only a few weeks to go before the United States may pick a potential president who has never given a press conference as a candidate for national office. This is not a functioning democracy.

And McCain is even worse: 40 days since his last press conference.

Saturday Night Live skit with Hillary and Sarah

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