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Central Ohio

For history, events, issues specific to Central Ohio, including Columbus, Columbus Suburbs (excluding Upper Arlington) and Franklin and surrounding counties.

2008 Judicial Candidates

UAPA does not endorse any candidates for judicial races, which are non-partisan. Below is a list of candidates. Whenever possible they are linked to their official Web sites or to information from the Ohio Board of Elections or the Columbus Dispatch.

2008 County and State Candidates

UAPA is providing a list of Franklin County and Ohio races. Democratic candidates running for partisan office Nov. 4, 2008, are listed. The party of candidates for non-partisan races is not included. Candidates' official Web sites are linked wherever possible, but sometimes the only information available is a Columbus Dispatch endorsement or article.

Representative to Congress, 15th District

Get your name in an endorsement ad for Ted Celeste TODAY!

Ted Celeste is placing an endorsement ad in the suburban newspapers and asks for your support TODAY. The ad will say "Join your friends and neighbors in Supporting Ted Celeste".

Email your name in TODAY to

Rep. Ted Celeste Earns Dispatch Endorsement

Congratulations to Ted Celeste on his endorsement by the Columbus Dispatch:

Not One--But Two--New Columbus Radio Stations Geared to Progressives

"Information is the lifeblood of democracy — and when viewpoints are cut off and ideas cannot find an outlet, our democracy suffers."

Free Press, a national, nonpartisan organization working to reform the media


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