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Iraq War

Covers policies, conduct, rationale, protest against, and other aspects of the war in Iraq.

One Day of the Iraq War

Iraq Summer In Ohio

We're heading into a watershed moment on Iraq. This September, General Petraeus will give his long-anticipated status report on the escalation and Congress will hold a huge vote on whether to set timelines to end the war. If there was ever a time to step up the pressure, this is it. So, we're making August one of the biggest-ever months of local action to end the war.

Bring Me An 'End The War' Yard Sign!

Our 'End the War' yard sign campaign was so successful, we decided to put an on-going process in place for taking sign-ups and delivering signs. Please provide your email and street address, so we can deliver your sign. We will make every effort to deliver your sign within a few days, but it could take as long as one week.


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