published by admin on Mon, 09/27/2010 - 07:57
Boehner let the truth slip out: "We are not going to be any different than what we've been." Can't get much clearer than that!
published by admin on Fri, 03/13/2009 - 07:29
Jon Stewart's best ever interview. Here are the uncensored versions.
published by admin on Thu, 03/05/2009 - 20:00
A half-hour comedy episode that's both more informative than most analysis on television and really funny, too.
published by admin on Tue, 10/21/2008 - 19:19
Once again, Jon Stewart connects the dots, where the mainstream media misses it.
This time about the Republican's campaign claiming they are the party of the "Real Americans". The Jason Jones interview with the Wasilla mayor nails it:
Here's the latest in a string of comments from Republicans that question Democrats' patriotism.