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November(ish) Book Club - People, Power and Profits by Joseph E. Stiglitz

cover of People, Power, Profits by Joseph StiglitzThe November book will be People, Power, and Profits: Progressive Capitalism for an Age of Discontent by Joseph E. Stiglitz. Because the last Wednesday in November is the day before Thanksgiving, the meeting has been moved to Wednesday, December 4, 2019 at 7:00 pm at 2000 Malvern Rd.

Obama's "A New Foundation" Speech

Conservative op-ed columnist David Brooks reviewed Obama's speech:

America once had a responsible economic culture, Obama argued. People used to save their pennies to buy their dream houses. Banks used to lend by “traditional standards.” Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac used to stick to their “traditional mandate.” Companies like A.I.G. used to limit themselves to the “traditional insurance business.”

McCain is Bad for Ohio Economy

John McCain has turned his back on working families.

One Day of the Iraq War

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