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2014 Election

Stop Voter Suppression! With Nina Turner April 15

Meet John Patrick Carney on March 25th.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014, 7:00 p.m.
UA Public Library, Friends Auditorium, 2800 Tremont Road

Save the Dates for UAPA Membership Meetings!

2014 is an important election year. In Ohio, we will be electing a (we hope) new Governor and Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of State, State Auditor and Attorney General. In addition, Congressional Representatives are being elected and replacing Steve Stivers with Scott Wharton is a priority.  Finally, we have county offices like Franklin County Commissioner and Franklin County Auditor and local judgeships.

About Us

Upper Arlington Progressive Action (UAPA) is a grassroots political action committee based in Upper Arlington, a conservative suburb of Columbus, Ohio. UAPA supports Democratic and progressive candidates and causes, and is entirely funded by donations from supporters. UAPA is run and governed solely by volunteers.
Upper Arlington Progressive Action gives Democratic and progressive voters an identity, voice and vehicle for action. UAPA members advocate for effective and efficient government that truly serves the needs of its people.


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