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Colin Powell endorses Barack Obama

On Sunday's Meet The Press Gen. Colin Powell delivered the most convincing and eloquent endorsement (video) yet for Barack Obama.

Powell appeals to independents who are socially liberal, fiscally conservative and moderate on defense issues.

Unlike other endorsements, very recent polling indicates that Powell's endorsment carries weight with voters.

Rep. Ted Celeste Earns Dispatch Endorsement

Congratulations to Ted Celeste on his endorsement by the Columbus Dispatch:

Rankin and Ciotola endorse Dan McCormick and Leslie Heath

Endorsement Scorecard: With Rankin's and Ciotola's new e-mail endorsements, the two political camps have emerged.

City Council Candidate Endorsements


Don Leach endorses Seidel, Krauss and Yassenoff

Councilman Don Leach has distributed his endorsement letter recommending the SKY ticket: Seidel, Krauss and Yassenoff.

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