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Franklin County

Metro Parks Levy (Issue 1) Explained

Franklin County voters will have the opportunity to approve a 0.75-mill property tax on May 5, 2009.

Why now?
Metro Parks’ current 10-year levy expires at the end of 2009. Central Ohio residents have enjoyed the benefits of the previous 10-year levy. This levy will allow Metro Parks to continue to operate clean, well-maintained, safe parks that are open daily throughout the year and are free to the public while continuing to acquire and manage natural areas to protect wildlife and water resources.

2008 County and State Candidates

UAPA is providing a list of Franklin County and Ohio races. Democratic candidates running for partisan office Nov. 4, 2008, are listed. The party of candidates for non-partisan races is not included. Candidates' official Web sites are linked wherever possible, but sometimes the only information available is a Columbus Dispatch endorsement or article.

Representative to Congress, 15th District

Help Obama and Vote Early!

A record voter turnout is expected for the 2008 U.S. presidential election, and that prediction will put new election law reforms to the test. According to, in 2004, 125 million people voted in the presidential election, about 88 percent of registered voters. Experts believe that turnout in 2008 will be somewhere between 125 million and 200 million voters, the highest numbers in recent memory.

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