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Cool UA Town Meeting


Concerned about climate change? Want to make UA safe and healthy and save taxpayer money?

Join us for a town meeting!

Learn how UA can become a leader on energy issues and join more than 600 other U.S. cities that have pledged to become Cool Cities!

You'€™ll receive information on what other cities like UA are doing to address the climate crisis, learn how we can save money and conserve energy, and hear from elected officials and experts on climate change!

Wednesday, August 15th, 7 pm
Upper Arlington Municipal Services Center
3600 Tremont Road


UAPA meeting and guest speaker: What's the Prognosis for Health Care?

Join UAPA at our next general membership meeting on Thursday, May 8.

SB5 repeal drive needs you!

Upper Arlington Progressive Action newsletter logo

April 20, 2011

SB5 repeal is under way. Grab a petition!

Join us for the drive to repeal SB5. We are collecting signatures to ensure the repeal is put on the November ballot statewide. If you are unable to walk door to door there are many other ways you can be a part of this effort. Please contact Carolyn Casper at for more information.

Thinking of giving this a pass? Let's review:

SB5 is introduced by a group of extremists in the Ohio Legislature to limit the bargaining power of public employees including teachers, police officers and fire fighters. The legislation would change the way public sector workers negotiate their pay, benefits, and working conditions.

In the case of safety forces, this could mean the elimination of safety equipment that might save your life. Safety forces not only need to protect the general public, they must always protect each other and need equipment such as bullet proof vests, medical equipment and other items. The folks who make the decision should be the forces that use the items, not the budget office.

Government is not like the public sector and cannot be administered in the same manner.

Teachers, fire fighters and police officers must be free to perform their duties without fear of their wages or promotions being impacted over something like stopping the governor for speeding. It is bad legislation and not in the best interest of the citizens of the State of Ohio.

Ain't my fracking problem? Think again

Votes on Ohio HB 133 and SB 108 are coming up soon. These bills would allow drilling in state parks, wilderness areas, nature preserves. John Kasich has said that drilling in the Marcellus Shale will be a "godsend" for Ohio -- a source of revenue and jobs. But what natural treasure will we lose to pay for that so-called "godsend"?

An equally compelling issue is the big push by oil companies to lease mineral rights on private property, especially along the Marcellus shale formation of eastern Ohio.

A proposal calls for a state-wide moratorium on the granting of new well permits by Ohio Department of Natural Resources until the drilling practices are proved safe. Slick-water fracking technologies are virtually unproven. They are unregulated. Oh...and ODNR Director David Mustine led a United Arab Emirates oil and gas company before becoming the protector of Ohio's natural resources.

Environmentalists/progressives face a steep uphill battle on both issues: close to home example of disaster capitalism seizing state assets in a weak economy, a clear conflict of interest on the part of both leaders.,and so much more. Contact your representatives and senators, and tell them to vote NO!

UAPA on Facebook is your place. Join us to learn, and teach!

Have you visited the UAPA Facebook page yet? Visit to find links to interesting news, essays and analysis of Ohio and national issues, upcoming local events and lively discussion. Recent posts include a Vanity Fair article about income inequality and a video that describes this week’s student activism on The Ohio State University campus.

And our social network gives you the chance to be in the center of the action, whether volunteering to fight SB 5 or adding your thoughtful comments on current affairs!

If you are on Facebook, please join us by searching for us and clicking on our page. You can also link to our Facebook page from our website. This is a great opportunity to tell us what you think and talk directly with your progressive neighbors.

Coffee & Conversation, new location!

Mark your calendars for the monthly Coffee & Conversation in a roomier location:

First Community Village Chelsea House
1800 Riverside Drive
Directions: enter at Waltham Road and follow the signs to Chelsea House
Saturday, May 7, 2011
9-10:30 a.m.
Plenty of parking! Private meeting room!

Special guest: Dennis Willard
Media and public relations consultant for the Ohio Democratic Party

Do you feel conservatives always control the narrative? Are you hoping and progressives develop a clear message for the 2012 election? Meet Dennis Willard, who will tell us how Democrats are already taking charge of the dialogue.

Please RSVP on the UAPA home page so we have enough coffee, tea and light refreshments.

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