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Thursday, May 29, 2008 UAPA Barbeque FUNraiser

Delicious. Delectable. Devourable.

You can never get enough of Mark and Mary Baldwin's famous Baldwin Barbeque,

so come join UA progressives for a lively evening filled with speculation about

UAPA Barbeque FUNraiser, Thursday, May 29, 2008


Delicious. Delectable. Devourable.

You can never get enough of Mark and Mary Baldwin's

famous Baldwin Barbeque!

Come on down and support UAPA, meet and greet fellow progressives,

and have a fantastic BBQ meal with all the trimmings!

Thursday, May 29

6:00 - 8:00 p.m.

2271 Northwest Boulevard

Suggested contributions
$25 - $50 - $100 - $150

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