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Women for Lee Luncheon June 21, 2010

Lunch fundraiser for Lee Fisher, candidate for U.S. Senate

Monday, June 1, 2010

Noon-1:30 p.m.

Franklin Park Conservatory, 1777 E. Broad St., Columbus, OH



RSVP: or contact Jennifer Smith, 614-299-9630 or

Dinner with DNC chair Tim Kaine Aug. 7, 2010

Ohio Democratic Party Annual State Dinner

with Democratic National Committee Chairman Tim Kaine

Saurday, Aug. 7
Time TBA
Columbus Convention Center, 400 North High Street, Columbus, OH 43215-2099


Information on dinner or pre-dinner receptions: 614-341-6911 or

Democrats – with your help – have mounted a furious four-year comeback since 2006. Now, the 2010 elections represent our chance to both lock in these gains for the next decade and begin a new era of opportunity, optimism, and progressive policy in Ohio.

3rd Annual Salsa Party for Mary Jo Kilroy


Please join us for a night of Salsa music and dancing in support of

Mary Jo Kilroy

Representative from Ohio’s 15th Congressional District


3rd Annual Salsa Party – Thursday, February 19th at BoMA
583 East Broad St., Columbus, OH 43215
Sponsor Reception: 5:30 pm General Reception: 6:00 pm Music: 7:00 – 8:00 pm
Contribution Levels:

Garage Sale a Whopping Success

The UAPA garage sale raised an unbelievable $2264! That kind of money will help us hold UAPA events, buy T-shirts, and win elections in 2008. Thank you! And please tell us if you are willing to help one of the following ways with the next sale:

  • Save your discarded household items for the sale
  • Pick-up donated goods from the UAPA community
  • Prepare and price items or staff the sale
  • Lead and/or organize the event for even greater results!

Send us an e-mail at with your name and ideas!

UAPA Garage Sale Fundraiser

We need your stuff!


We’re in the process of collecting items for our upcoming “multi-family” garage sale fundraiser on August 4th. Please consider donating one or two items for our sale. We need any and all items of salable quality as we are raising funds for UAPA’s programs and operating expenses.

Hot items include furniture, household items, working appliances, garden tools and knick-knacks. The biggest draw is always children’s furniture, accessories and large toys. Please no clothing.

We will provide pick-up of your items anytime between now and the sale or you can drop them off at the sale location the day before the sale.

  • What: Multi-family Garage Sale
  • When: Saturday, August 4th from 9am to 2pm
  • Where: Home of UAPA members, Roy and Agnes Butler, 2174 Ridgeview, NW corner of Ridgeview and Redding
  • Why: Raising funds for UAPA’s programs and operating expenses.
  • How do your items get to the sale: Pick up or delivery.

For pick up, drop us a line at and let us know what you would like to donate and how we might best contact you to arrange pick-up.

For drop off, items can be dropped off at 2174 Ridgeview on Friday, August 3rd from 12pm to 9pm.


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